During my final few weeks at work I have been asking all the people I have worked with for their predictions for me for the future. I had many responses ranging from the very positive to the damn right strange, but these were my top ten...
10. "You'll meet the love of your life" (Jayne Dunn)
9. "You won't come back to the UK and will find happiness somewhere else" (Barry Jones)
8. "You won't past Canada and will fall in love" (Michelle Lawrence)
7. "You will enjoy riding on chicken buses with the locals" (Emma Fulloway)
6. "You will come back stronger in your head with less insecurities" (Paul Couldrey)
5. "You will stay in a plush hotel within the first month of arriving in Canada" (Lindsay Harding)
4."You will come back home as a straight man" (Laura Broster)
3. "You'll be able to get a book deal from your travel blog making you the British Bill Bryson" (Vicky Moore)
2. "You will meet the man of your dreams in Australia whilst independently keeping the suncream industry afloat" (Georgina Wilde)
1. "Your destiny lies with white chocolate" (Helen Ashford)