I can't quite believe it but my time in Tweed is nearly over and this time tomorrow I'll be boarding the coach for Ottawa, where after a few nights CouchSurfing I'll be heading just south of the city to begin my next work placement at The Winchelsea where if everything works out I hope to stay until the middle of May.
With these plans in place I feel very comfortable this is very reassuring but with nothing to speak of to follow, I have this last week become increasingly conscious that I need to sort some thing out...
...With this in mind then I began on Monday shortlisting potential hosts that I could make contact with in and around Montreal which ideally is where I would like to head before during the Summer making my way through to Vancouver on the other side of Canada.
So with a few hosts ready to email I logged on Tuesday morning only to find I had received an email from Mitch, who having seen and read my blog was inviting me to come and work with him on his homestead farm just south of Montreal. Now on its own merits this would have been somewhat of a coincidence but what made this something entirely else was that Mitch was in fact the first person I had planned on emailing that morning after shortlisting his farm the previous day.
Whilst I maintain that I am not a believer in fate, happenings such as these do make me wonderI honestly could not believe it and with a few exchanges via email felt there was no way I could turn a blind eye to the apparent fate of it all and come Wednesday evening had agreed with Mitch an arrival date and length of stay that would take me right the way up to the end of June!
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