A Word from Tweed

Ben receives a message from a previous Work Exchange host

Hi Ben, I wanted to leave this comment on your blog but as a techno single-celled animal, I'll be darned if I could figure out how. So here it is.  I hope you are having a wonderful adventure wherever you are now.

Dearest Ben,

Thank you so much for your very kind and complimentary comments about your stay with us. While it is obvious that everyone we meet leaves an imprint on our lives, it is gratifying to know that we are being success at inspiring a more environmental way of viewing the world.  I am very grateful that you chose to come and stay with us.  Your hard work, your constant and genuine offers of help and most of all your ability to make us laugh was a gift. I hope you meet all the objectives of your trip and have a wonderfully, life affirming journey - arriving home wiser about the world and yourself.  I know you will because you have the right attitude: "Everyday's a school day!"

Warm Hugs,

Denice (and John working at the blueberries)