Before we begin

After six months of silence, the online travel journal of Ben Collins finally returns

With dusk taking hold, the little cloud in the sky transcends in to an electric array of reds and oranges that bathes the homes and streets outside my window in a warming, almost magical glow.

And you know, it really doesn't matter how many times I watch this sunset - it never fails to impress because during these few tranquil minutes each day it serves to provide a little reminder of just how incredible this journey continues to be...

...Words in fact struggle to do justice of just how I am feeling of late and with so much having taken place in this last six months there is much to catch up on. In fact, I expect it might take as many as a hundred new journal entries to suitably cover what has come to pass, and whilst this task is a daunting one, it is too very exciting because I feel I have a unique opportunity to relive these most wonderful months all over again.

So on the cusp of a new chapter and brand a new stage I wanted to take this opportunity to say a couple of things.

First, thank you. As I said previously in my stage 1 review I have been from the outset blown away by the support I have received on this journey and having you here with me via this journal really goes to add a special dimension. After all, they say good experiences become great experiences when you have somebody to share them with and whilst I might never be alone as such, you are in fact the only real constant I have on this most epic of journeys.

And that leads me on nicely to my second point - If you like what you read and enjoy my journal, then please share it. Whether it is through Facebook, Twitter or good ol' word of mouth, I really don't mind but as far as I'm concerned... I love having people here and the more the merrier.

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Also, I'd really like for you to begin having your say so be sure you get involved by adding your thoughts and comments in the box at the bottom of each entry as well as also getting involved with any discussions on Facebook or Twitter. In fact, why not start right now by telling me what it is you are most looking forward to in Stage 2!?

So I am pretty sure that is all I have to say for now... Genuinely though, I am really happy to once again be sat back in front of my journal and I hope more than ever that you will enjoy reading it as much as I will writing it!

What are you most looking forward to about Stage 2?
You can let me know in the comment box below